Leadership & Management

‘You don’t manage people; you lead people and you manage things!’
Some bosses are great leaders and some are not. The bigest mistake bosses make is that they want to be in control. They want to run things their way. They tell how things have to be done. Leaders let it go. They lead by example showing how things can be done.

‘Everybody wants to follow a leader’
Why are leaders more populair than bosses? I think it is because a boss is appointed or self proclaimed and a leader is chosen by those who feel inspired by his actions and example.

In a time where social media spreads a blur of meaningless content people look for those who stand out. For independent minds who have something to say. For leaders who act in a way that really matters. Whether it is in real life, at home, at work, in art, at the universities or in politics.

Authentic Leadership is what people are looking for.

Some bosses are great leaders and some are not.

So what choice do you make? Be a boss or let your actions and example make people want to be around you?

Let’s debate and agree to disagree. …

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